Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Welcome new readers!

Welcome new readers and new old readers to Adventure Day! Here's a little bit of information about the blog and what might help to know.

It started when Mistletoe's niece, Petal, decided to set out on her bike along the mainland roads of Second Life. The rule was (and remains), no flying, no teleporting (except to get unstuck, say if a sim crossing sticks her under the pavement), no grossly unrealistic means of travel (like pulling an aircraft out of her backpack).

Well the idea was so much fun that PJ's goddaughter Joline decided to join in, and for several weeks the two of them would bike the roads together on Tuesdays (making Tuesday ADVENTURE DAY!), snap pictures, and blog about their findings.

Before too long Lelani's niece Bugginia and Thaddeus's son Cornelius became part of the adventures too, and adventures began happening so rapidly, so unexpectedly, and so out-of-any-kind-of-schedule, that blogging about them ultimately fell by the wayside.

So, you have what you see today: a somewhat (but not totally) disjointed blog that's fallen out of use.

So, as the human behind the keys for Mistletoe, Petal, and a host of others, I decided it's time to dust this off again.

But, because there are so many kids, and so many adventures to be had, it will probably be best for each kid to post his or her own adventures in his or her own time. The same "rules" apply: no flying, no teleporting, no grossly unrealistic means of travel (unless you can find a way to fit it into the story, such as the S. S. Unicorn).

We hope you the reader will continue to enjoy our discoveries and pictures.


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