About Our Heroes

Petal and Joline are a couple of child avatars in the virtual world of Second Life.  Together they explore the land and then blog about their adventures and discoveries.

Petal Windlow (username Petal LittleBoots) is a nine-year-old elf who loves taking pictures with her phone.  She likes to plan ahead before they go exploring, and take careful notes as they go.

Joline Heslop is eleven, and tends to be more spontaneous than Petal.  She'll often be the one to convince Petal to try something new and unusual.  She hasn't been on this journey quite as long as Petal has, but is enjoying it every bit as much.

Joline just got a spiffy new digital camera as a present!

Bugginia "Bug" Firefly is the latest kid to join the group. You'll hear and see all about her soon.