At last, it's time for a new update from those intrepid explorers, Petal and Joline, as they explore the roads of Second Life! Day 10 marks a bit of a milestone for Petal, as she reaches (and exceeds) 100 sims visited since her trip began.
So far they've been on hot air balloons, flying pods, ski jumps, ice skates, and of course their trusty bikes. What new exciting experiences will Petal and Joline discover on Day 10? Read on to find out!
The sun was rising at YavaScript's touring pod station in Durango. Joline took this picture while I was still asleep.
We looked over the map and decided we'd head to Chamonix (sim) and decide when we reached the crossroads there what we'd do next.
Stupid Taxi! He bumped Joline's bike and didn't even stop! But I got his license number so HA, who's laughing now, jerkface!! |
We went back through Cortina, to Chamonix. That's where we stopped and had breakfast at a place called Yumi's. And it was yummy!! We had scrambled egg sushi, and fresh nectarines, and some tea. And we tried miso soup. Joline thought maybe it meant mice, hahaha! But it was actually made of seaweed and pieces of cheese made from soy milk. It was OK, but not very cheesy. |
Sim 90: Pandora
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Horses in Pandora, having their own breakfast! |
Whoa, look at all these giant flowers! Wonder if maybe a giant lives here? |
We went up the giant stairs and into the giant house. Nobody was home! |
Look how big this mailbox is compared to Joline!! |
We climbed back down, and went across the street to browse at the shops. This was the view from out behind one of them. I could hear a waterfall but I couldn't get it into the picture :(
Sim 91: Mimas |
A giant map we found in Mimas. We decided we'd head to the place called "Coastal Town" first, since it was closest. The map showed a dead-end there. Then we'd turn around and head for the "Lost Lake" area, since that was the next closest and sounded like an exciting place for an adventure.
Over the Mimas bridge we went, toward Janus. |
Sim 92: Janus
A garbage truck in Janus, with a really stupid driver. He could hardly stay on the road! I think the safest place we could be was right in the middle of the road. I'd call him jerkface but he's too dumb to be a jerkface. |
Sim 93: Epimetheus
Fun fact: in mythology, Epimetheus was the guy who opened Pandora's box and let loose all the troubles in the world. That'll teach him to mess with someone else's stuff! Anyway, we found this helicopter parked in Epimetheus and we thought we'd try it out. But it was locked. Nobody leaves the keys in anything anymore! |
Sim 94: Leda
In Leda we found this place called YadNi's Junkyard. Home of the giant blue nipples. Hey maybe giant blue nipple guy lives in the giant house back in Pandora? Anyway. This was a place full of free goodies and help for new people in SL. |
Joline modeling her free clown nose. Honk honk! |
Money tree for newbies... only instead of a tree it was another statue of giant blue nipple guy. |
A pretty house on the coast. We moved on, our packs full of new free stuff from the Junkyard. |
Sim 95: Europa
Sim 96: Phobos
So nice to be finally getting to warmer weather! A pretty coast view in Phobos. |
Sim 97: Montara
Beautiful garden in Montara! |
And cool cars too! |
Across the street, up on top of a high hill, we found a diner called the BeaLiner. So we stopped for lunch. Bea let me take her picture. |
My face after reading the menu. |
View from the bridge we crossed into Hooper. |
Sim 98: Hooper
A pirate ship in port! WHOA!!! |
Sim 99: Bolinas
In Bolinas, we saw a cool balloon tour! So we chained up our bikes and got in. |
But then after it took off, it said that it was a one-way trip to Ahern Infohub! We'd be stranded far from our bikes! I started to panic, but then I got an idea. If the balloon dips down low to the ground, I said, we'd make a jump for it! |
Sim 100: Bodega
Sim 101: Davenport
But the balloon just kept going higher and higher! And soon we were flying over the open ocean... NOW how were we gonna get back to our bikes?! |
Sim 102: Omidyar
Sim 103: Rodeo
It was pretty down below, though. |
Sim 104: Stinson
Sim 105: Rosedale
Hey there's someone down below! HELLOOOOOO down there! |
Sim 106: Kapor
The recording on the tour told us we were close to Da Boom, which is the oldest Sim in all of Second Life. |
Sim 107: Brilliant
Sim 108: Smith
Sim 109: Murray
Finally, land! We got down low, near the hedge maze, and the recording on the tour said that it would be stopping briefly if we wanted to get out. We looked at each other and jumped out right away! |
Sim 110: Rizal
Well, we're in a mess now! But at least we were safe and sound on land. |
We'll get some sleep, and in the morning we'll figure out what to do next. |
Total Sims visited: 110 (Petal), 30 (Joline)
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